Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stop the EPA's Global Warming Power Grab!

The Obama administration intends to bypass Congress and implement outrageous global warming regulation of the entire U.S. economy through the EPA. Many of you have helped us put tens of thousands of comments into the EPA, but they aren't listening. We need Congress to step in and stop the EPA power-grab, by sending a clear message to our elected officials: if you don't stop the EPA, we will hold you responsible for what they do.

When you go to this page, you will see a form below that you fill out your personal information in order to send it to your Senators and Representative.


I received an email from Americans for Prosperity, which said:

Springtime in Colorado - or as Al Gore calls it, "Evidence of Global Warming" Time.

I'm writing to you from Montrose, Colorado where we're holding yet another rally as part of our Regulation Reality Tour™ to remind citizens of liberal Senator Michael Bennet's support for cap-and-trade and his refusal to support reining in President Obama's radical Environmental Protection Agency.

Yesterday, more than 200 fired-up activists joined us at America the Beautiful Park in Colorado Springs, and well over half of them whipped out their cell phones and called Senator Bennet's offices from the rally to pound him for his cap-and-trade votes!

We've also hit Denver, Highlands Ranch, Aurora and Ft. Collins, and later today we'll be in beautiful, rugged Grand Junction.

In Denver, Polly, the owner of a family-run construction company, told the crowd at the Capitol how the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is literally killing her business with new regulations that are driving up costs and making her job just about impossible.

You want to know just how out-of-touch and crazy Obama's EPA really is?

Yesterday, the EPA actually announced a contest with cash prizes paid for with our tax dollars for the best videos celebrating how great federal regulations are for Americans.

Honestly, I'm not making this up. Click here for the EPA's news release.  The first portion is shown below:

Explain rulemaking and win $2,500!

Almost every aspect of our lives is touched by federal regulations. Even before you leave the house in the morning, government regulations help set the price of the coffee you drink, the voltage of electricity your alarm clock uses, and the types of programming allowed on the morning news. But many Americans don't understand how rules are made or how they can get involved in the process.

This video contest is your opportunity to explain federal rulemaking and motivate others to participate in the rulemaking process. Create a short video, not to exceed 90 seconds in length, explaining why rules are important, why the average American should care about federal regulations, and how people just like you can participate in the rulemaking process. The E-Rulemaking Program and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Regulatory and Policy Management (EPA) will award $2,500 to the winner and post his or her video on as well as the EPA Web site. To get you started, we've provided a fact sheet called A Brief Introduction to Federal Rulemaking (MS Word) (2 pp, 50K), which includes links to more in-depth resources.

At Americans for Prosperity, we could not resist submitting our own video. Ok, it's a little irreverent and sarcastic, but well...they deserve it. Take a quick look.  Link to video is located here.

Out here on the road I can tell you this - we are winning. The energy is strong. Our opponents are dispirited. They know what we know ... November is coming, and it will be judgment day for these liberal politicians like Senator Michael Bennet if they don't start listening to the people on issues like cap-and-trade and the EPA.

Keep an eye on Colorado this year. You're going to see big changes here.

Cap-and-trade may be reintroduced in the Senate as early as next week (April 26th), and we'll keep you updated as soon as it happens. In the meantime, we have got to stop the Obama administration's back-door efforts to implement all of their global warming regulations through the EPA, without a vote of Congress.

By the second week of May the Senate is likely to vote on a resolution by Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, S.J. Res 26, that would block the EPA's global warming regulations.

Please click here to urge your senators to vote YES on the Murkowski Resolution to stop the EPA power grab.

Tim Phillips
President, AFP

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