Sunday, June 06, 2010

Helen Thomas Says Jews Should Get the Hell Out of Palestine and Back To Germany-MUST SEE VIDEO

June 4, 2010

Helen Thomas is as fair and open minded as she is good looking. The most Senior of White-House Correspondents has given up being a real reporter and instead spends her time spewing venom toward America's war on Terror and/or anything Israel does. For example during the 2008/09 Israeli battle with Hamas in Gaza, Thomas was interviewed by NPR and compared the IDF action to Nazi Germany:

I mean, you can’t remain neutral. I remember the rabbi who spoke at the Martin Luther King march on Washington. Heschel had a cameo appearance, and he said, “The greatest sin of all in the Nazi era was silence.” When you remain silent to the suffering and the incredible aggression against a people, then you are culpable.

Just two days ago Thomas berated Robert Gibbs for America's initial reaction to the violence created by the Guerrilla Flotilla, she said Israel committed a massacre and Israel is a terrorist state.

I used to attribute Thomas' venom to the combination of her liberal leanings and Lebanese heritage, video below indicates that her intentions are more nefarious than that, Thomas is not a big fan of the Jewish people.

My friend, Rabbi David Nessenoff, an award winning film-maker, visited the White House for the Jewish Heritage Month Ceremonies. There he had the chance to meet Helen Thomas and asked her about the Middle East:

Go back to Germany and Poland?? Why Ms Thomas? You do remember the Holocaust right? Heck you are old enough to remember the crusades.

There are some people who believe that any criticism of Israel is Anti-Semitism. That belief is as ignorant as Anti-Semitism itself. There is however, a great deal of crossover between hatred of Israel and Hatred of the Jews. To find out what people really mean you need to examine the words they use.

Helen Thomas' comparing of the IDF to Nazi Germany is nothing but an attempt to water-down the horror of the Holocaust, and to dehumanize Israel. And her advice to the Jews to get the hell out of Palestine, and go back to Poland and Germany is nothing short of anti-Semitism. If Thomas' comments were directed toward any other group but the Jews, she would have been out of work a very long time ago. Maybe it’s time for Helen’s bosses to retire her to the “The Home For Old Crazy Anti-Semites.

UPDATE: Helen Thomas issued the following statement today: “I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon.”

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