Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Carbon - More Like Neurological Mercury....by Joel Rogers

May 3, 2010 - 14:56 ET

Meet Joel Rogers

GLENN: Now, I want to play this audio for you and if you're a Twitter subscriber, I just tweeted some additional information for you and you'll be able to get that at GlennBeck.com. I appreciate the people who are the watchdogs who are putting this together. Have you noticed? Do a search, Stu, for Crime, Inc. and see how many people are tying it now to the Chicago Climate Exchange, et cetera, et cetera. People are doing their own homework and they are doing their own blogs and everything else. It's not that hard once you know what you are looking for, to find. And we're getting tips like you wouldn't believe. Somebody just sent us this audio that they had put together. This is Van Jones. Are you going to play both of them?

PAT: No, I just went with the Joel Rogers.

GLENN: Okay. So here's Joel Rogers. He's a guy that you've probably never heard of.

PAT: But I have Van Jones if you want that, too.

GLENN: Want the Van Jones, the second Van Jones. It was right after Joel spoke.

PAT: Okay, yeah, I don't have that.

GLENN: Okay. So here's, here's Joel Rogers. This is one of the main architects of just about everything that is going on in Washington, all of these organizations. Listen to what he's saying now about cap and trade and energy. Listen.

ROGERS: I sort of think of carbon at this point would invite you all to think of carbon not just as another commodity that's we'll be willing to let people bribe us to spend but think of it more like a neurological poison like mercury. And in the same way that you wouldn't say, "Okay, if you give us the money, we'll let you expend more mercury into the atmosphere." I wouldn't get too excited about the money aspect of the carbon. You can do everything in the U.S. to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and it won't make much of a dent actually.

I hope you all realize that you could eliminate every power plant in America today and you can stop every car in America. Take out these higher powered generation sector, take out all of the transportation sector and you still wouldn't be anywhere near 80% below 1990 levels. You would be closer to 60%, around 68%. And that's bringing the economy to a complete halt basically.

GLENN: Okay. So there he is, a guy who's making a case for cap and trade. So why would we do this? Remember, you don't care about the environment. No, no, no. This has nothing to do with the environment. Nothing. This has everything to do with power and money.

PAT: He kind of complains that, too. In this little clip.

ROGERS: On the dimensions what attracts me about the opportunity is not just its size, which is difficult to overstate, but the fact that given its extent, it really extends our politics from just a redistributive politics into the organization of the economy itself. It really is concerned with production.

PAT: Hmmm.

GLENN: Do you see this? Everything we've said

PAT: Right there.

GLENN: Now, will anyone in the mainstream media pick this up?

PAT: Hmmm.

GLENN: Van Jones, we played you audio of Van Jones last week where Van Jones, while he was still in the White House, said Joel Rogers is really the guy who has put all of this together. Now, Joel Rogers is a guy that we pointed out last week and we showed. I'm telling you, I said, what was it, two weeks ago? Crime, Inc. is the word I came up with. I said, let's call this Crime, Inc., because that's what our government is turning into. And this is bigger than Van Jones. This is if people understand the connections here, it will take all of it down.

I met with somebody this weekend who is how would you describe the political connections of, Stu, of this person that I met with? Not political connections but political... he's just seen it. He's been there from the beginning. I mean, he's I mean, I talked to him about things that happened, you know, with FDR and he was like, "I know. I was young and I remember it and I remember my family." I mean, he's been there. He's been there. And he's been there from forever. And not that I'm trying to be cryptic. I just don't have his permission to say that I met with him.

But he asked to meet with me, and one of the reasons why he asked to meet with me was, A, he wanted to see if I really believed these things, "I want to look you in the eye." And so we spent what was supposed to be an hour, we spent three hours together and we discussed a little bit of everything. And what he said to me that was my big take away in a three hour period, if he said it once, he said it a thousand times. How's your security, seriously, how's your security? The reason why he said that is, you know who you're dealing with, right? And I said, yes, I do. He said, why are you doing it? And I told him.

He said, I can't believe that you not only will put all this together and you'll not only say it but you'll name names. And I said, Mr. So and so I is there any other way? He said, no. He said, but you know how much money is at stake. And I said, yes, I do. Yes, I do. Then I asked him, do you not think our very country is at stake? Yes. Yes, I do. Well, then what choice does anybody have? You know, our founders didn't want to do the things they did. You know, nobody walks up to the Declaration of Independence and signs it and says, "This is going to be great. This is going to make me so much money. This is going to make me so famous." None of them. None of them. In the end it may have turned out that way but when you actually have to put your name down on the piece of paper, when you actually have to sign your name to it, you pause because you know what it means.

We are entering a time period where each one of us will have to do that. Each one of us will play our own role. Each one of us. When I saw how many people are online investigating and sharing with friends Crime, Incorporated, once we've exposed the underbelly of it, nobody 60 Minutes should be doing this, but they won't. New York Times should be doing this, but they won't. Washington Post won't, but they won't. Because they are all in bed. You need to. Because it is critical. It is essential that you indicate your friends and neighbors because we have a choice to make and they will try to make an example out of anybody who stands up against them. Do not learn from the examples that they are going to try to make.

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