Monday, July 19, 2010

Tell Congress: We Won't Stand for a Sham "Lame Duck" Session to Pass Even More Radical Government Expansion


Dear Member of Congress,

I continue to hear rumors about a potential "Lame Duck" session that could be held right after the November elections and before the new Congress is sworn-in.

I fear that despite a very different political make-up in Congress, elements of the far Left will view this as their last chance to enact threats to our liberty including:

1. The Cap and Trade Energy Tax Hike!

2. Another "Stimulus" Bailout Scheme!

3. More Tax Hikes at a Time when we can Scarcely Afford them!

This would go directly against the will of the people - having had their say in the November Elections - and I urge you to oppose it as the worst kind of political, dirty-trick.

Should a lame duck session surface, I will be watching your vote very closely on cap and trade, additional taxpayer-funded bailouts, any attempts to increase taxes, and any other policy proposals that erode more of our freedoms and expand the reach of government.

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